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Uses and performance characteristics of active silica powder
Release time:2021-07-07 15:04:55      Hits:732

The main purpose:

Rubber and plastic functional fillers; main materials for artificial stone; building structural rubber fillers; epoxy resin casting fillers; electrical insulating fillers, etc. It is a non-toxic, odorless, and non-polluting hydrophobic (lipophilic) high-purity white powder. It has good temperature resistance, acid and alkali corrosion resistance, poor thermal conductivity, high insulation, low expansion, stable chemical properties, and high hardness. Performance. Used in polyolefin plastics, it will not reduce the MFR value, has good affinity, does not absorb water, and can make ordinary plastic products obtain better impact strength, stiffness, and improve physical properties such as cold and heat resistance.   

Performance characteristics:

1. Make the old material reach the impact strength of the new material, and the new material reach the impact strength of the special engineering material;

2. Especially make polyolefin plastic reach or exceed the impact strength of normal temperature pure polyolefin plastic at low temperature, to prevent the product from rupture loss due to transportation, loading and unloading collision and accidental fall at low temperature.

3. Toughening, stiffening, lowering the freezing point temperature, and increasing the heat distortion temperature by 10-15℃;

4. Greatly reduce the cost of product raw materials;

5. Extend the service life of the product;

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