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The main function of silica powder
Release time:2021-07-07 14:40:52      Hits:388

The cutting preparation of substrates for integrated circuits and substrates for solar cells uses the principle of multi-wire cutting, and a mortar made of silicon carbide abrasives is driven by steel wires to cut high-purity monocrystalline silicon or polycrystalline silicon rods. When cutting silicon rods into silicon wafers, a certain amount of silicon chips is also produced. As the cutting process progresses, more and more silicon chips are mixed into the cutting fluid, which reduces the cutting performance of the mortar and results in the accuracy of the silicon chips. Worse, the generation of silicon chips not only affects the use of cutting fluid, but also reduces the use rate of silicon rods. As a strategic resource, 95% of my country's high-purity silicon needs to be imported. The main reason is that my country is still unable to process industrial silicon into high-purity polysilicon on a large scale. While the waste cutting mortar is mixed with 8-9% (weight) of high-purity silicon powder, the cutting loss rate of high-purity silicon rods in the silicon rod cutting process is as high as 40% (weight), which is also silicon One of the reasons why the cost of the film remains high.

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